Christmas is a time for fun, laughter, love and let’s be honest, overindulgence. This Christmas why not spare a thought for our environment. There are so many ways we can reduce the amount of waste we produce during this festive period. 🎄♻💖🎅
Buy Loose Fruit and Veg
Try buying your fruit and veg loose to reduce plastic consumption. Most stores now offer most of their items without the plastic wrap (big progress!). Where possible, you could also try visiting a refill shop to stock up on dried goodies. Our Organic Cotton Produce Bags are perfect for storing fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds. Stocking up on loose wet, sticky or frozen items? Simply pop them in our Reusable Silicone bags for easy storage both on the go and at home.🥔🍊🥕
Plan Ahead
Why not try making a meal plan for the festive period this year? Not only will it help you be prepared (you can avoid that last minute dash to the shops!), it also means that when you do your ‘big shop’ you will buy only what you need. Keep your Christmas calm and have your meals prepped in advance. Ditch the wasteful cling film and switch to Beeswax Wraps for covering your already prepared food. Our Stainless Steel Snack pots are perfect for meal prep and chopped lemons for your G&T!🍽🍲🍹🍋
Freeze Fresh Fruit and Veg
Despite all the planning, you may find yourself with excess fruit and veg after the big day. Have you considered chopping and freezing your fresh produce, rather than letting it go to waste. Our Stainless-Steel Snack pots are super handy for storing cut up fruits and veg and they can be put in the freezer too. Perhaps you could experiment with some homemade soup or chop up fresh fruit to freeze and use in smoothies. Our Reusable Silicone Storage bags are also brilliant for this.🍎🍓🍒🥕🥦
Get Creative With Leftovers
Instead of wasting your leftovers freeze them. You will be grateful for the pre-made meal later or even weeks later. Our Silicone storage bags are ideal for freezing a various of food items from fruit and veg, soup, leftover meals and more. This gives you a huge opportunity to reduce your food waste during the festive period. Not only will you save money, you can also get creative with your leftovers recipes.🥣🍲🍴
Give Bread a New Lease of Life
You can keep your bread/baguettes fresher for longer in our Beeswax wraps. They wrap around any odd shapes and are flexible. If your bread is slightly past its best before date, don’t just throw it away, revive it by baking it or turn it into breadcrumbs and use where you can within your festive munchies!🐝🍞🥖
Do you have more tips to add? Drop them in the comments below. We would love to hear from you!