Pizza Dough
(make your own or try a shop bought frozen dough)
400g Plain Flour
225ml Water
2 tbsp Olive Oil
1 tsp Salt
7g Dried Yeast
1. Preheat the oven to it's highest temperature before starting to make the dough.
2. Mix the flour, salt and yeast together in a mixing bowl. Make a well in the centre, add the oil, then add 225ml water and bring together as a dough. Tip out onto a floured surface, kneading for 1 minute, just until smooth. Pop our dough in a Moonmoon silicone bag, seal and leave to rest in in a warm place.
3. Now it's time to assemble your pizza! Cover a large baking tray with some baking paper, then lift the dough onto the paper. Stretch and press the pizza dough with your fingertips until it is about 30cm diameter, indenting a thicker crust around the edges. The middle should be about 5mm and the crust about 1cm deep. Repeat to make a second pizza.
Pizza Sauce:
1 Can of tinned tomatoes, or substitute with fresh
1tbsp olive oil
2 Cloves of garlic
1 Onion
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp herbs de Provence or basil
Salt & pepper
1. Add olive oil to the pan and fry your onions, then add your garlic shortly after. Once softned, pour in your tomatoes, sugar, herbs, salt & pepper.
2. Cook for 5 minutes and then leave to cool. Blitz in a food processor or blender and then it's ready to cover those pizzas!
Spread the pizza with sauce and add your toppings (don’t add too many, or you’ll end up with a soggy pizza).
Bake for 10-15 minutes until the base is golden and crisp.
We like to add a good amount of rocket to our pizza, you can use your Moonmoon silicone bag to store the remaining rocket to keep it fresh.